ChallengeThe Miami Dade Communications Department reached out to Mnemonic in the summer of 2020 to produce a video campaign for their Solid Waste Department to highlight their mosquito control, recycling, and reusable waste programs. They wanted an individual commercial for each initiative to highlight and promote the services to their residents.SolutionThis production was filmed over the course of two days as we captured the 3 different concepts in several locations. The reusable energy spot took us through the journey of trash as it makes its way from a home to the Reusable Energy facility where it's transformed into energy that travels back to the same house to help the community.ResultsThe Communications department began airing the video on air, web, and they even modified a version of the script we wrote for a radio PSA. The Communications department has also initiated several other Miami Dade County departments to use Mnemonic services to create PSAs and commercials for the county.
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